Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Great Lakes G2G in North Channel

Posted by cdnwhaler on 03/07/07 - 6:20 AM

That cheesecloth advice from Don is some of the best advice I've ever received to make boating a pleasurable experience for my kids.

Most cottagers, no matter how late, will head to their cottage. They've been doing it for generations and can find their way in the dark without all our gadgets. Maybe a flashlight only. And you should see the scary shortcuts they use !

West of Little Current there is excellent cellular coverage. At the docks in LC it's spotty but as you climb the hill to the grocery store, liquor store and video store it gets better. Once you leave Spider Bay Marine westbound into the Waubuno Channel it's great and is great all the way to Benjamins. It was while sitting at the Benjamins I posted on CW a few years ago from my Blackberry and then Don called from Port Huron and it was like he was sitting right next to me for clarity. This coverage continues east into the Bay of Islands and west to Spanish and further. One quiet evening while the kids were watching a movie in Sturgeon Cove I spent an hour or so emailing back and forth to a local island owner in Michigan from my Blackberry but was unable to get voice contact? On his island there is absolutely NO coverage but if he heads out into the main channel it's fine. I suspect from the Mosquito Island you mentioned coverage is quite good.

Traveling east from Little Current to Killarney is another story. Killarney has no coverage, from any cell carrier. At least not last summer.

The current President, Scott White, of the Georgian Bay Association comes from a family island in McGregor Bay and I know they've been working very hard with Rogers, our large cell provider, to find tower locations to extend coverage. Coverage should be improving soon. Check the link and look under Communications, Presidents Email briefings. Also, when on their website open, or download, the current newsletter Vol 17, No 1, Spring 2007. On page 10 it gives you a map of the current cell coverage and the proposed coverage.

The Anchor Inn in Little Current has high speed access and provides a PC in the bar for email etc access. Free I think. And I believe they're working on having wireless on the patio so you can use your notebook should you want to carry one on board.


Edited by cdnwhaler on 03/07/07 - 6:53 AM