Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Explain? how to remove copper drain tubes.

Posted by JohnnyCW on 05/16/10 - 8:31 AM

When I replaced my brass drain tubes, I sleeved the holes with fiberglass tubes first. That way any failure in the bras tube or grommets would never allow water intrusion into the hull.

I used new brass tubing as a mandrel to roll my fiberglass around. Wrapped the brass with a layer of wax paper first. I rolled maybe three layers of glass around the tube then applied soaked resin. I then tightly wrapped the resin soaked fiberglass with electrical tape and used a needle to poke a lot of holes in the tape to allow excess resin to escape. Its a poor-man's vacuum bagging method. Once the resin hardened, I slid the fiberglass off. The existing tubing holes had to be enlarged slightly to fit the fiberglass tubes. I did so with a Dremel tool. Epoxied the fiberglass tubes in place and sanded them flush with the inside and outside of the hull. Then I installed the new brass tubes in the conventional manner.

I'm don't trust the PVC pipe method though I know its common. After many of my own tests, I found that epoxy, polyester, Marine Tex, and even 5200 will all peel right off the PVC. Even with the PVC being scuffed first.