Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Saturated Foam Core

Posted by Phil T on 08/25/09 - 6:31 AM

If you read about the construction of the hull, the combination of the fiberglass and the foam (bonds with the fiberglass skin and deck give the hull its strength. There are no stringers in a Boston Whaler.

Side stepping the saturated foam for a minute, the first challenge is to design a method to reconnect the two parts of the hull. I don't know of a practical way to reattach the halves without immense work, materials expense and weight.

If the hull were not cut in half, the saturated foam could be removed (cutting a portion of the inner deck) refoaming and re-glassing the floor.

I can guesstimate you are looking at $500-700 in materials alone. Given there are many "beater" whalers in better shape for less money, I would suggest you return the hull to the landfill and find a non-separated hull.