Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: What is a "Classic Montauk"

Posted by Tom W Clark on 08/18/09 - 8:48 PM

A classic Montauk is any Montauk built before 2002 when an entirely new and different model was introduced.

In general. the term "classic" used with regard to a Whaler, means the hull was designed during the period when Whaler was owned by Dick Fisher and later CML and produced hulls designed by Bob Dougherty after Fisher left the company.

A profound change of direction occurred when Boston Whaler was bought by Reebok and the Dougherty was shown the door.

New, and completely different hull designs began to emerge even as the classic designs lived on for some models. The classic Montauk had the longest life of them all being replaced by a different boat only in 2002.

It is interesting to note that many of the classic designs live on in the Government and Commercial Products division. That is telling.