Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Mounting wood where there is no wood backing.

Posted by Binkie on 08/21/09 - 7:49 PM

Gorilla Glue is a polyurethane product I believe. Wonderfully useful stuff but I have my doubts about it holding screws under load.

Think I will do an informal test.
I will drill a 5/8" hole in the edge of a 2x12 plank. about 2 inches deep. I`ll fill the hole with Gorilla glue, let it set, sand it smooth, and drill a hole for a #10 2" screw. Do the same thing in the wood next to the drill hole. Then screw a 2" #10 stainless screw into the holes leaving about 1/4" exposed/ Then I will try to pull each screw with a flat bar. If I don`t succeed, I'll try a 20' prybar which I'm sure will pull both screws, but if not I have a 3 ft. crow bar. I`ll see if the screw in the Gorilla glue is easier to pull. Just to make it more fair, I' drill a 3rd hole and fill it with 2 part slow set epoxy.