Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Vintage 13 worth the

Posted by michaelbro on 08/13/09 - 3:29 PM

Love the site and am a new member,so hello all. I grew up in Annapolis and all of us either had a Mako or BW. Here is a classic 13 I ran into for a good price and wondered if it is worth the effort. Pics are below. The boat sat upside down for 5+ years, and because of the few holes in the hull-I imagine some water has gotten in. It doesn't feel that heavy and tapping the hull produces no dull sounding spots. I walked the deck and feel no soft spots.

Just looks like alot of work to regel the exterior, patch the holes and repaint and outfit the interior. Any advice is appreciated...Thanks all!

It is much better to just put ONE link to your entire photo album for this boat.
I tried to do it for you put you have the album set as PRIVATE...
Or, create a personal page here on WhalerCentral and upload your photos here.

Edited by Joe Kriz on 08/13/09 - 6:20 PM