Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Filling a 1000 holes

Posted by MCathcart on 07/04/09 - 1:28 PM

Kamie I'm also studding the same thing trying to make a decision to start now or wait until this winter. I bought a 1987 13' also that has numerous extra holes in. The guy that had the bote plugged'em all with silicone. So I get to dig the silicone out and the fix the holes. I've repaired gel-coat in the past but not this many small holes! I hate to tell you this but they need to be ground back (uh... deeper and bigger) to make sure the repair sticks. If you just try filling the hole as it is, in many cases the repair will crack around the original hole and sometimes fall into the boat. I've used Marine Tex before but I can't say its the best. I like the EverCoat products much better the problem is most all EverCoat products (polyester putty) is Not White. You can get a white activator for the Evercoat but it's still not going to be white. Kinda gets between a rock and hard place huh? I can't believe some people who drill holes all over a bote. I might end up using Marine Tex as bad as I hate too just because of it's color. As some people have said, it's not going to match but it will be close. Keep us posted.