Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Fill or Re-Use Rubrail Holes?

Posted by PB88 on 06/26/09 - 5:34 AM

I used WEST Systems marine epoxy thickened with their #403 Microfibers. I got an irrigating syringe from local medical supply and injected each hole. If hole was too big I used wooden dowel (got the dowel stock ~ four feet long, appropriate diameter at Home Depot) to fill the larger holes. I dipped the dowel into epoxy mixture, tapped it into the hole flush, injected some if I could and/or used a plastic putty knife to fill holes entirely. Once cured I would use belt sander or whatever made sense to smooth things up.

Best advantage is once epoxy is cured it's bomb proof, it will hold screws. I would think 5200 slow cure rate would drive me nuts. Someday, I'll get the rub rail installed - better be this year.

Good luck