Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Name: Orca or Yonah

Posted by mattgeiger on 04/02/09 - 1:55 PM

Time to stick a name on the Montauk. It's been a year, and I'm down to two names:

ORCA = "Killer Whale" & Jaws reference. I have yet to see a Whaler with this name, but undoubtedly there is one - so originality may go out the window.

YONAH = Cherokee Indian for "Bear" - My boat lived most of it's life on Lake Burton - in the shadows of Mt Yonah here in North Georgia. I'm a Georgia native, and the mountains here have been a big part of my life.


Edited by mattgeiger on 04/02/09 - 2:02 PM