Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Spring: Lake O. Pilgrammage

Posted by acordts on 04/02/09 - 6:19 PM

The early spring inshore fishing in this Sodus area is mostly brown trout, which is my favorite and what I target. However, becaause the Lake is cold, and the warmest water is literally right on the beach, I have taken just about every other species in the Lake (with the exception-- so far-- of a muskellunge): brown, lake, and steelhead trout, all three species of salmon...king, coho, and atlantics; and even an occasional 10-14 lb. walleye.

I have made my 17' Whaler really a useful tool in this fishery because it is a safe boat. I DID NOT say comfortable...I said safe. With a perfect running and reliable low (even underpowered) horsepower motor for slow speed trolling, I push this rig literally right into the beach and thread the rocks like dental floss. So, most of the time I'm fishing water frequently forfeited by larger boats and/or less aggressive fishermen.