Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Minimum HP performance

Posted by danedg on 04/05/08 - 5:03 PM

The 60 Hp 4 stroke of which I speak so highly...spent it's first four years in salty...
Damned near killed it..... took nearly 75 hours of "fresh water" to flush out all the salt, sand, and stuff:(
that motor sucked up in it's first 178 hours.....(4 years)
Recommended service procedures have replaced most of the cooling/lub/lower end parts...and she seems to have survived quite 785 hrs.....(7 years)
despite the marine onslaught and initial general neglect....
which is why I respect this particular motor....
with a bunch of's considered reliable.....
But...A motor in brine/ 1000 hrs/yr?
I'm with CBO....five years.....

Edited by danedg on 04/05/08 - 5:06 PM