Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Minimum HP performance

Posted by Bachus12345 on 04/04/08 - 7:05 PM

Nice to hear about your performance with a "normal" engine!
Everyone is so power and speed crazed that it's hard to explain that some of us just don't need to go 50-60mph in a 40 year old boat and don't want to gulp down the fuel.
Like the SUV craze most outboard boat owners seem to feel that bigger and faster is better.
When I was a kid 40-50 HP was the late 60's motor cycles that you would see on the road were small and 450cc was considered a big bike.
Back then very Whaler I saw that was 17' ran a 40hp johnson/merc/evenrude 2 stroke and we were all very happy with them; and I lived about 10 miles from the factory in Mass. and we had more Whalers around than any place else.
Why then am I being told, more than I want to hear ,that I have to hang a 90-100hp to "get the performance I need" ??????
You seem happy and I am glad to hear it.......