Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: wiring mess

Posted by MW on 02/24/08 - 2:32 AM

A color code ? are you kidding me ? My previous owner liked "Red", red for "EVERYTHING", did'nt matter if it was a ground, Pos, or anything else, it was diced, spliced, and zipped all in red wire, if ya threw a switch it would crackle and smoke and blow fuses. I showed it to a friend of mine that knew boats, he said "this is how you fix this", and proceeded to pull every wire off the boat, with my jaw hitting the ground. He said "You can't fix this, you have to run "NEW" wire. He showed me how to solder a "Marine Connection", and before you knew it I had the first wire done, then I just stayed on it, it went faster than I thought, I cleaned up the "Terminal block" and "Buss Bars", I added "In-line" fuses etc. Boat electric is not that hard, it's only 12 V, and + and --, you just have to stay on it, e-mail is always open if you need any help <> ( live operator's are also standing by here), C'mon, YOU can do this if "I" can, plus you have an "Army" of "Whaler" help here ! you'll need:

soldering gun ( a $5 gun works fine from "Homey Depot")
thin silver solder (Homey)
heat shrink tubing (Homey)
a bottle of "liquid lectric tape" (Boat store, no getting around that)
wire cutter/stripper (Homey)
cable ties (Homey)
wire terminal connector kit (auto store or "Homey Depot)
wire (use Northern tool, much cheaper than a marine store, sometimes "Homey" has it)
a 12 volt "test light" (auto store)

"It's important that you do it yourself because, if something goes wrong, you'll know where to look, also the boat yard is Going to murder you with the labor cost of re-wiring.


Edited by MW on 02/24/08 - 2:38 AM