Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Need help - How do you clean the decks of your Whaler?

Posted by sy on 09/07/21 - 7:55 AM

We have a (new to us) 2017 Dauntless. The decks were pristine white until we left it in the driveway for a couple of weeks and the leaves have left stain marks all over the deck.

I've scrubbed and scrubbed with a soft bristle brush and MEGUIAR'S M4364 Marine/RV Boat Wash. It's barely making a dent. I've tried reading the Whaler site for suggested cleaning agents that won't damage the decks but there's very little information.

So I figured I'd ask the experts. How do you learn the decks of your Whaler?

What products do you use that don't damage the deck? And how often do you use them? Do wax the decks or not? Any other great wisdom?

Look forward to learning from you all.