Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Polish or Gel coat?

Posted by Phil T on 08/28/21 - 8:33 AM

Over the years, sun exposure leaves a layer of oxidation on the gelcoat (not paint).

To return the color and shine, you need to "detail" the boat that includes using a fiberglass compounding material.

Recommended products include 3M Heavy Duty Compound on a wool bonnet from a 6-9" diameter buffer. Follow this with 3M Finess-it II. Work a small 1'x 1' section at a time. Expect to spend 3 hrs on the outer hull with the compound. 1 hr on the Finess-it II.

For the interior, use the compound on a stiff bristle brush on a drill. Follow that with Woody Wax. Probably take 3 hrs for the interior if the seating etc are removed.

Follow that with marine wax or coconut oil on all the areas except the non-skid.