Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: My first boat. French Beginner

Posted by julien21 on 07/01/15 - 1:58 AM

Hi classic whalers owners!

Sorry for my English, I'm French and I just get my first boat, an Outrage 21 from 1972 (maybe 1971?). It's an inheritance from my grandfather who passed away 3 month ago. I got so many childhood souvenirs with this boat so I decided to not let it rot. It has been stored for 6 years, and I'm gonna refit this wonderfull boat (the hull is Ok but I got to change gasoline jauges, some electric parts and restore the woods). I can't wait to post pics after the refit. Sorry for my English but I'm happy to became a classic whaler owner in memory of my beloved Grandfather. Best regards from France.

Edited by Phil T on 07/01/15 - 6:55 AM