Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Cost to install fish finder and radio

Posted by gary0319 on 05/06/15 - 10:16 AM

First off, Your old transducer will not work with your new unit, I'd bet $100 on that. So a new transducer will have to be installed, old holes should be filled and the cable run through the rigging tunnel and most likely holes filled in the console where the old unit was installed. I did my own on my Dauntless 15 and it took me about 4 hours including filling the old holes in the console and the transom. I'm assuming an experienced mechanic could do it in less, but I bet the labor is at least 3 hours. My mechanic charges $85 an hour for labor so that's about $300, just for the labor for the Garmin. Need to add some for shop supplies, etc and you're looking at $350, Florida prices.

I have no idea on the am-fm radio, but $1,000 for two might just be about right for New York prices.

I'd give it a try myself before shelling out the big buck$........assuming you have the necessary tools, the necessary space, the time, and the know how.

OOps.........just read your last post more carefully, sounds like you got the deal you were looking for......good shopping.


Edited by gary0319 on 05/06/15 - 10:23 AM