Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: What's in your Emergency Kit?

Posted by gchuba on 10/01/14 - 7:00 PM

If I recall, when I outfitted my boat I was looking at "Commercial Standards" for safety standards. Hence the "Life Ring vs. Flotation Cushion" among other items. When I was boarded the only two commercially specked items I did not have were the "EPIRB" (I have since purchased) and the self inflating life raft (will be on my boat soon). The EPIRB is an emergency beacon which calls out the troops when activated (capsized). I do plan on going out for albacore which could be 40 miles out plus. As Wing mentioned upgrading minimum standards for Coast Guard a good idea. They are more guidelines and compliance. It comes down to your use. Going out for a local cruise with boaters around you vs. 40 miles out in saltwater would have different standards.
