Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Closing Transom on 1984 25' Outrage Opinions??

Posted by msl on 09/17/14 - 7:17 AM

Finnegan-- That is some good info!! I am still weighing my options, kids getting close to college will not allow new motors so I am more than likely going to replace with used twin or the single. With Twins I will more than likely raise the transom and with a single I would more than likely just add trim tabs and leave well enough alone. Do you really feel the power head would sit too low on a single even though whaler says 25" shaft on a single?

These jack plates have been nothing but an issue since day one, but I truly feel it is just a poor manufactured product and definitely not made as a salt water product since they are mainly used on fresh water bass boats.

Funny you should say how loud these motors are, my buddies in the neighborhood know when I am coming and going through the inlet into our river. They are loud but, to be honest it really does not bother me, think I am at that tone deaf stage in life.

I am aggressively looking for a set of 2004 or newer Optis, which will be a needle in a hay stack or even a set of ETECS. Once this search is exhausted, I will either repair the existing motor or go with a single. It is still early but I would like to have this all wrapped up before March of next year.

Phil T-- the jack plate number is from hip that would cover cost for install too, a bracket will run close to $3K. I am searching for newer motors but used ones. Not in a position right now for new motors. Insurance will be covering the entire cost at this point.