Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Dealer Prep for Small boats like the 150 Montauk or Super Sport?

Posted by Phil T on 09/02/14 - 1:24 PM

Ron -

The engine and all standard equipment is assembled at the factory.

The boat is fitted on the trailer and then wrapped and loaded onto a tractor trailer. Some leave the trailer wheels off for transport. The prop is put in the boat along with documentation.

The dealer will take off the shrink wrap, install the prop unpack a few items, give the boat a visual inspection. The boat may get a cleaning. It should be clean and shiny.

My opinion:

I recommend you ask the dealer for their list of items they do. I also recommend you price the boat from 3 dealers to get the best deal.

Buying a boat is like buying a car. The dealer sets the price, not the factory. They use hard sell techniques.

I would not negotiate items separately but rather one price for everything, including tax, a walk out the door price.

I would not get any electronics or any option you can buy/install yourself.