Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: In your opinion, what is value difference in smirked vs. non-smirked montauks

Posted by MG56 on 08/11/14 - 4:06 PM

Wow, what a great question. and one I am sorta qualified to answer. The boat I have now was advertised as a 1977 Montauk 17, Smirked hull, and I was disappointed to see it was a Smirkless 1975, if I have to be honest. I've never had a Smirked 17 and I wanted to try one.

That was then. I've since learned to appreciate this transition period, and how few Smirkless Montauks were made.

You asked for these 2 specific year Montauks and there were a lot of moving parts during this transition. The next biggest one after the hull is the winged console. If you go to the trouble of getting a first year Smirk you have to get the winged console, which makes that the rarest Smirk.

The rarest Smirk wins over the rare Smirkless. They are more rare, and you can then add for the perceived extra value of a Smirked hull.

Once you pass that first year Smirk the values get cloudy, because the rare Smirkless holds it's value against all that came later.

Ok, so you asked for the price difference between the two for mint condition examples. I can't help you with that because I can't remember the last time I saw a mint original condition Montauk of that era for sale.

One is priceless and the other is a little bit less.