Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Ready to Restore

Posted by Weatherly on 05/19/14 - 10:40 AM

Not to get ahead of oneself, but before you even decide how to apply gelcoat, and whether to use a spray applicator, a tongue depressor, or your own finger, you need to understand that there is no formula for the light blue interior gelcoat color. When Fisher-Pierce, Co. mixed the light blue gelcoat, it was done by a factory worker, not a machine or computer. Essentially, they took benzoil peroxide (BPO) and dimethylaniline (DMA) and mixed to a light blue color. BPO was the yellow and DMA was the blue; too much BPO and the gelcoat would not cure; too much DMA, and the mix was teal/green. Today we can use a coloring agent such as Evercoat marine coloring agent Blue, production number 100-507. It is a trial and error process to perfectly match your BW16 interior gelcoat color. It is not difficult. You just need to be patient, and willing to get your hands dirty.

Edited by Weatherly on 05/19/14 - 12:50 PM