Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: prop : alum vs. stainless

Posted by blacksmithdog on 02/21/14 - 5:03 AM

Tom W Clark wrote:
Your Mercury 90 has no shear pin.You are just perpetuating that Old Wive's Tale. All that aluminum prop does for you with the oysters is ensure the prop gets mangled where a stainless steel prop would come through unscathed.

I agree with Tom. I live in coastal South Carolina. In the past 24 years I've had 5 different Whalers with 8 different engines, and who knows how many different props, both aluminum and stainless. It's hard not to go over oyster beds around here. I'd say we hit one every third time we're out on the water. The aluminum props are typically good for one to one and a half seasons (I do generally save them for spares). I have literally never replaced a stainless prop from oyster bed damage.