Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Isle Royale - August 2007

Posted by plotman on 07/25/07 - 6:50 AM

Gas sold on the island is priced roughly on the following formula: Wholesale Price + Michigan & Fed taxes (so essentially a dime or so below the Houghton retail price) + 90-odd cents for transportation + 24% surcharge -- charged by the park service on all goods and services sold on the island to pay for power, water, sewer etc.

I think the last time I checked it was $4.70 or so.

I'll carry an extra 24 gallons beyond what my belly tank holds, but I'm not going to go nuts to not buy gas on the island. An extra $100 for the ability to buy gas there isn't a big deal, IMHO.