Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Isle Royale - August 2007

Posted by Buckda on 08/13/07 - 1:59 PM

David -

I'd say that most docks were usable for a Whaler, however the overall space available for all boats was lessened. "T" docks generally had water only on one side of the T and across the top, with none available on the undersides of the T. "I" docks generally were usable for those further out on the dock. The deteriorating cribs on some docks made certain berths unusable due to risk of abrading gelcoat....and oversize fenders came in handy. Quite often, my gunwale/rubrail in the stern was far UNDER the dock...using a fender helped keep me alongside and not underneath....and also protected my railings from acting as rubrails in the bow.

I brought 2 oversize fenders, but should have brought 3.