Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Hydraulic Steering

Posted by Finnegan on 01/21/14 - 10:51 PM

First of all, you can get all of the information and rigging information you need from the Teleflex hydraulic steering site.

I have retro-fitted 3 Whalers with hydraulic steering, including a Montauk with Baystar and an Outrage 18 with Sea Star I. All of these surface mount helms are quite tall, and put the wheel high above the console surface. Because of that, I HIGHLY recommend the back mount kit, which reduces the helm height.

Baystar is fine, and works well for me on the Montauk, but the plastic TUBING that they furnish in the kit is horrible stuff to work with, and a rigging nightmare. It was so bad for me, that I abandoned it and ordered a pair of the higher quality HOSES used on the Sea Star systems. The savings of Baystar was subsequently reduced by the $120 additional cost.

For the Outrage 18/19, I recommend the Sea Star I system that I used. Hose length is 18' if I remember correctly.

You can see photos of my installations on my personal website. An excellent source for competitively priced hydraulic steering kits is, in Daytona Beach FL.