Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: 2012 130 Super Sport prop Question

Posted by Silentpardner on 04/21/13 - 3:41 PM

Thank you VERY much for the links and the book suggestions Tom, I am definitely going to read all the suggestions you have made. I am studying the subject, and believe me, I see where you are active all over the net on this subject. Actually, I have found the perfect prop for the motor I am intending to repower with for my exact boat on another site. You were the one that recommended it there. I have the utmost respect for your knowledge on this subject, I never meant to imply otherwise. All I wanted was exactly what you just did, good solid reference material for study. I don't need to be as knowledgeable as you are because all I have is a couple of boats to prop. It just seems that everytime the discussion gets interesting on props around here, somebody gets mad, and the discussion gets ruined.

Edited by Silentpardner on 04/21/13 - 3:47 PM