Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Prop choice for a 90hp E-Tec

Posted by saumon on 05/07/13 - 6:51 PM

Moved the engine all the way up on the bracket (2 more holes, now AV plate is 3.5 in. above keel) and didn't notice much difference. Still top at 40mph @ 5100rpm, the only difference being the trim range that is reduced before porpoisong occur.

Before, from fully trimmed in, I could could go almost halfway up on the trim gauge before it start porpoising and, if I continue, sucking air. Now I only need to trim it up till it reach the first quarter before that happened.

I guess that about all I can get with that engine/hull combination. I'm still amazed to reach that with ony 75% of the max hp, thoses hull are really efficient...

(tests have been done with the Stiletto 17p, I'm not sure the Viper would have been able to hold his grip mounted that high...)

Edited by saumon on 05/07/13 - 7:07 PM