Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: What Did You Do For Your Whaler Today?

Posted by GFC on 04/01/15 - 9:45 PM

In prep for our planned (but no date set as of yet) summer long trip down the Columbia and up the coast of WA and into Canadian waters I put set of bow cleats on my 2010 13' SuperSport.

I also picked up the tow line assembly for it. It includes a bridle that mounts to the stern of the tow boat plus two tow lines (one 50' and one 100') and a 6' section that will be somewhat permanently attached to the bow eye so we don't have to swim under the bow to attach a tow line.

I'm going to have the same company (Top Knot) make another bridle that will attach to the two new cleats and pass through the thimble at the front end of the 6' section. That will spread the load of the tow between three points (bow eye and two cleats).