Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: T-Shirts ?

Posted by cdnwhaler on 04/10/07 - 5:47 AM

I may as well make my suggestions early.

1. I've noted lately that as we reach certain ages we need 2+ pairs of eyewear and rarely buy a shirt without a pocket to carry our readers. Or whichever pair we're not wearing.

2. Along with reaching these certain ages we tend to shrink a bit in stature and unfortunately the missing height seems to be making us more round.

I'll need doubleXL's, maybe even tripleXL's at the rate I'm going, with pockets over the left chest.:D

The only concern I have is with over 4,000 registered people here... who's funding the carrying of inventory? This won't be like having some extra cool foam key chains around in a little box.


Edited by cdnwhaler on 04/10/07 - 5:52 AM