Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Whaler 13

Posted by maxpower_hd on 08/31/10 - 10:53 AM

Joe Kriz wrote:
Sounds like you might be looking for a 1973 or later Sport model that uses a 20 inch shaft motor or a 1984 or later Super Sport model.
The older models have a notched transom for a 15 inch shaft motor which is getting hard to find the motors these days as most engine manufacturers no longer make the 15 inch shaft length.

The main difference between the Sport and the Super Sport is that the Super Sport has a backrest and storage compartment for the main seat.
You can find photos of both in the Whaler Models section.

Thanks for the quick reply! That was fast!

So the pre 73 models all have the notched transom? That's good to know. That will eliminate a whole slew of ads. Can one simply ad the backrest and storage if desired? I can easily settle for a sport that's a good buy if that's the case. I will check out the link you supplied.

Thanks again.