Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Winterizing fuel comments needed

Posted by kamie on 08/27/10 - 4:30 PM

Gamalot wrote:
Yes, you fuel costs more and is less efficient and the refining process is more expensive with no proven environmental benefits. Then you have to add the costs of your food bill to the mix because the corn supply has been diverted. Al Gore is laughing all the way to the bank! The only good thing about this summer ending is that November is right around the corner and I HOPE for some serious CHANGE!

Back to the thread.


You should thank congress and George Bush who actually signed the farm bill in 2002 that limited imports of sugar, sugarcane and sugar beets. Since sugarcane is the most efficient plant to make ethanol out of, that effectively forced ethanol in the US to be made from by a less efficient process, there by increasing the costs of production. it costs Brazil about $.81 per gallon to make ethanol, it costs the US $1.05 and who do you think gets to pay the difference. You should also know that the tariffs on sugar keep a lot of prices high in the US, everything from processed foods to candy because the raw materials cost more than it would if the price of sugar was allowed to float with the world market.
I now return you to your whaler.