Thread subject: Whaler Central - Boston Whaler Boat Information and Photos :: Need a cover for my 1985 Montauk

Posted by A Little Madness on 08/23/10 - 9:16 AM

We've had the cover almost 2 years now and it's great. Last year she sat in the yard essentially all year while I had 2 back operations and recovered. Once the straps are fitted to your liking, they just unsnap, roll it up stern to bow, fold and throw it wherever you're going to store it (tool carrier on my truck for us). Reinstalling is just that easy as well. I forget what the warranty is (I'm thinking 5 years, but could be wrong) but at that price you can't beat it. Now that I'm back on the water, she'll spend more time with a wet hull than a dry one, so I'm looking for many, many years of service. Mainly haul out for tropical storms/"H" and if we're going to gone for an extended period. Good Luck.